The purpose of this Society is to cultivate and promote a greater devotion to our Divine Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, and to Our Lady as Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. It is also to raise funds as benefits the needs of the parish, as well as to provide help and assistance in the church and at parish functions as designated by the Pastor.
The Rosary Altar Society was founded in the fifteenth century by Alan de la Roche, a Dominican Friar. Our Rosary Altar Society was established in 1938 by hosting Pilgrimages to various churches around Kentucky and neighboring states. Later these Pilgrimages would turn into our Annual Bus Trips. In January of 1945, Weekly Card parties were begun to raise funds for St. Louis Bertrand Church. Today our Annual Card party event is our largest fundraiser of the year.
The Rosary Altar Society supports St. Louis Bertrand in a variety of activities each year through fundraising such as our Annual Card Party, Rose Sunday and raffles: and through our service, such as cleaning the church and providing Thanksgiving food baskets to the poor. Our goal is to support the Parish in any charitable and/or special projects as requested by the leadership.
Any lay woman interested in this society’s purpose may become a member
Yearly dues are $5.00
Meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month after 9:00am Mass (except June, July & August). Meetings are on the second floor of the Parish Center next to the church.
Breakfast is provided for a $2.00 donation, which also entitles you to be entered into a raffle to win a door prize.
St. Louis Bertrand Church
ATTN: Rosary Altar Society
Liz DeLaRosa, President
1104 South Sixth Street
Louisville, KY 40203