We are a fraternal order of Catholic men who put our faith in action through charitable works and bringing everyone closer to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are the guardians of the vulnerable and the defenders of the Faith. Our council at St. Louis Bertrand Church help serve the needs of our parish through community events, spiritual talks, personal assistance for fellow parishoners, and prayer. We also serve the needs of the community of Louisville by donating and serving other organizations and programs that help the poor, the disabled, the elderly, and the unborn. For more info about the Knights visit: https://www.kofc.org
Want to become a Knight?
Click on the link below and follow the instructions
Become A Knight!
(Must be a practicing Catholic man in good standing with the Church)
Our council number is 10682
For those wanting to transfer or have any questions, please contact the Grand Knight
Shane Weppler
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 502-593-3324
Our council meets every third Sunday of the month at 10am in the Knights Room (2nd floor) at the St. Louis Bertrand Parish Center