Library Book Drop
If you need to return a book when the library is not open, please place the book in the metal package drop outside the Parish Center door. The book drop in the church vestibule has been removed.
Adult Faith Formation
Sunday, February 2; 10 am
A three part series on penance continues with, “Examination of Conscience”.
First Friday
February 7
Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be offered after 12 pm Mass.
Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, February 8; after 4:15 pm Mass
Come enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner and find out what the knights are up to!
Adult Faith Formation
Sunday, February 9; 10 am
A three part series on penance continues with, “How to Go to Confession”.
Our Lady of Lourdes Observance
February 11; 6 pm
A special Mass and candlelight procession will be held in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Youth Group
Wednesday, February 12; 6:30 pm
We will continue our series on Social Responsibility.
STLB Couples Workshop
Thursday, February 13; 7 - 8 pm O’Brien Hall
Married and engaged couples are invited to join a couple’s workshop based on the book Habits for Healthy Marriage: A Handbook for Catholic Couples by Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons.
Walking with Moms Playgroup
Tuesday, February 18; 10-11:30 am
Young children and their parents are invited.
St. Louis Bertrand Men’s Group
Saturday, February 22; 7:30 - 9 am; Heritage Room
Come grow in faith with other men of the parish.
Rosary Altar Society Card Party
Saturday, February 22
Save the date!
Redbird Child Loss Grief Group
Thursday, February 27; 6 pm in the Heritage Room
Please join us to find Christ in your suffering.
NET Retreat: Known
Thursday, March 6; 5 - 9 pm
Youth in grades 7- 12 are invited to build their relationship to God through prayer at this evening retreat. Sign up here:
Life-Giving Wounds Retreat
March 21-23, 2025
St. Louis Bertrand Church
Life-Giving Wounds is a national ministry specifically for adults (18+) whose parents are divorced or separated. Participants will hear witness talks from adult children of divorce; discuss their own experiences; and have opportunities for prayer, and sacraments. The retreat will cover: grieving the loss, rediscovering our identity, recovering our faith, regulating our emotions, growing in virtue, striving for forgiveness, establishing boundaries, and more. For more information visit: or call 502.303.1996.
Parish Mission - The Rosary: Contemplating God’s Mercy
Monday, March 24 - Wednesday, March 26
Please see the poster page for details.
Traveling Madonna Volunteers Needed in February
To host the Traveling Madonna statue and pray for vocations, please email [email protected], go to:, or call the office.
Walking with Moms and Families in Need
Let us know who needs help - a ride to church, a meal train, a supportive friend to pray with or someone to talk to. Please send referral information (name, contact information, and needs) to [email protected], attention Barbara Klump.
Parish Council
You can contact the Parish Council at any time by emailing: [email protected].
Weekly Parish Updates
Sign up for updates at
It is a holy and pious thought to pray for the dead.
Sunday, February 2 Presentation of the Lord
4:15 pm James William Dawson †
7 am Gage & Dippolito Family
9 am Vito Ruffino
10:30 am Dominican Laity, Queen of Peace Chapter
12 noon George Yohanek †
5:15 pm People of St. Louis Bertrand Parish
Monday, February 3 [St. Blaise]
7 am Brown Family
12 noon Frank & Margaret Schmidt †
Tuesday, February 4
7 am Isaac Givan
12 noon Craig & Danna Dandurand Family
Wednesday, February 5 St. Agatha
7:00 am Greg & Julie Walker
12:00 noon Stephen Kinny †
Thursday, February 6 St. Paul Miki and Companions
7 am Souls in Purgatory †
12 noon Robert Baker †
Friday, February 7
7 am Jeanne Purcell †
12 noon Segundo & Agueda Pajel †
Saturday, February 8
7 am St. Gabriel Confirmation Class
12 noon Nancy Naughton †
Sunday, February 9 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:15 pm People of St. Louis Bertrand Parish
7 am Mr. & Mrs. Vernie VanMeter †
9 am Rita Goffinet Book †
10:30 am Remy & Hunter Noble & Family
12 noon Jay Brandi
5:15 pm Tapp Family, Living & Deceased
The sanctuary lamp burning in front of the Tabernacle this week is for Edward Craven †.
The sanctuary lamp burning in the Priory Chapel this week is for Peter Thong Pham.
Please pray for the following members and friends of the parish who need healing: Mary Jo Abell, Patricia Ackerman, Mary Ann Barry, Lynn Baunach, Tom Berding, Donnie Bibb, David Bizot, Lillie Bogges, Christina Borders, Joan Bouchard, Ed & Barbara Bowling, Eddie Bowman, Therese Brennan, Linda Breeden, Fr. Anthony Breen, OP, Beth Biegert, Dana Brian, Eliza Brian, Amy Brown, Dcn. Robert Bryant, Randall Burden, Charles “Gordie” Chamberlain, Traci Chism, Conroy Family, Roy Craven, Sandy Cummings, Lori Cushing, Vernon David, Nancy Deane, Terri Decker, Rich Dippolito, Mary Sue Draus, Brooke Egan, Judy Evans, Katie Field, Gina Foley, Len Frederick, Junelynne Fultz, Dee Giftus, Justin Goldner, Vince Gottbrath, Denis Greenwell, Stephen Griswold, Beth Hardesty, Tanya Haycraft, Brian Scott Hazel, Jadyn Hemmer, Joyce Hill, Janice Hines, Sarah Hughes, Jesse Hyde, John Jansen, Jim Johnson, Gill Judd, Allie Kanau, Pete & Diane Kazunas, Sandie Koellner, Miriam Koprucki, James Krause, Jeff Kustus, Brian Loftus, Betty McCurdy, Suzanne McGee Reynolds, Laura McManus, Richard Martinez, Frances Melton, Haley Millet, Stephanie Money, Marianna Morales, Brian Mullins, Ivy Grace Newman, Rita Nickle, Brandon O’Bryan, Kevin O’Bryan, Will Ostertag, Joann Otlewski, Mark Otlewski, Percival Pajel, Bernadette Pajel-Ebbay, Linda Parrino, Peter Thong Pham, Nick Reynolds, Alli Rodenhauser, Rhonda Sen, Gary Sperl, Theo Stearns, Buddy Steele, Anne Stewart, Darlene Stoddard, John E. Thompson, Nick Tse, Michael Uphaus, Exequiela Walker, Nell Weyler, Debbie Wibbels, Nickolas Wilt, Anna Woodruff, Carol Worth, Joshua Wright, Rob Wright, Gary Yost, Gilbert & Nancy Zinner.
Please pray for those who risk their lives to serve us:
Army: Daniel K. Bourke, Kara Brown, Matthew Cannon, Jake Frankrone, James McWhorter, Kevin Meany, Alex Newsom, Juan “Johnny” Quiroz, John Serrano, Gregory M. Smith, Dan Tabacchi, Joseph Larry Thomas, Christian Weathers, Jim Wolkensperg.
Marine Corps: Matthew Bersot, Casey Carraro, Frank Kyle Christian, Aaron M. Grieshop, Chris Kenney, Wesley Peralta, Joseph Recktenwald, Elijah Rock, James Roszyk, Grant Schirmer, Stephen Wolf
Navy: John Chapman, Mitchell M. Givens, Fr. Ed Gorman, OP, Michael Karas, Fr. Joachim Kenney, OP, Todd Owen
Air Force: Jonathan Banta, Jeff Dillman, David Douglas, Joshua Ford, Nicholas Hughes, Craig McGreal, Eric May, T.J. May, Kristie Miller, Michael Richards
Air National Guard: Vincenzo LaFronza
Army National Guard: Noah Maguire, Vincent Olson, John Rock
First Responders: Mark Granholm, Tyler Owen
Contributions for the week of Jan. 19, 2025: Collections & Online Giving $27,048.83; Opportunities for Life $ 3,106.00 Poor Box $ 967.50
Contributions for the week of Jan. 26, 2025: Collections & Online Giving $22,309.46; Poor Box $1,770.00
If you would like to Donate Online, go to: and click on “Donate.”
Emergency Aid Center
Please put individually wrapped toothbrushes in the bin at the back of church for the needy of our community.
Please remember St. Louis Bertrand Church and the Dominican Friars in your will.
Prayer & Devotion
Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction
Wednesdays 12:30pm - 7 pm & Saturdays 11 am
Confessions are heard on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Saturdays from 11 am - 12 pm.
Family Holy Hour
Last Thursday of the Month at 6pm
This Holy Hour is designed with families in mind. All are welcome to come pray with and for families. Confessions are available during the Holy Hour.
First Friday Devotion
following 12 pm Mass
Prayers will be offered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Marian Movement of Priests
Mondays after noon Mass in church
MMP is a worldwide group that prays for and with priests. Fellowship follows the prayers every 2nd Monday.
Traveling Madonna
Families host the statue and pray for vocations from our parish. Go to or call Christina to sign up.
Veneration of the Relic of St. Bernadette
following 12 pm Mass on Saturdays.
Faith Formation
Adults Interested in the Catholic Faith
For information, please contact Fr. Bartholomew: [email protected].
Bible Study
Tuesdays 7 - 8:30 pm or Thursdays 10 am - 12 pm
Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come will begin on January 14 (Tuesday) and January 16 (Thursday).
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
for Ages 3-6
CGS provides religious education for young children in the Montessori tradition. Contact Katie: [email protected].
Parish Library
Open Sundays after 9 and 10:30 am Masses
Browse at
St. Louis Bertrand Men’s Group
4th Saturdays, 7:30 - 9 am; Heritage Room
Study and discuss the Summa Theologica, pray morning prayer, and have breakfast with other men. For more information email Fr. Bernard: [email protected].
Sunday Adult Faith Formation
Sundays; 10:15 - 10:45 am
These sessions will be held on the same Sundays as youth sacrament classes.
Belles & Beaus (St. Louis Bertrand Seniors)
Last Tuesdays, after Noon Mass; O'Brien Hall
The Belles & Beaus meet for noon Mass, then lunch. For more information, contact Deacon Bill Klump at 634-5559.
Book Club
Last Thursdays, at 7 pm; Parish Library
The Book Club discusses books that support growth of the life in Christ. See announcements for the next book.
Couples Workshop
Second Thursdays, 7-8 pm; O’Brien Hall
Married and engaged couples are invited to join a couple’s workshop based on the book Habits for Healthy Marriage: A Handbook for Catholic Couples by Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons. Contact Fr. Bernard for more information.
Dominican Laity Chapters
· Queen of Peace Chapter (Men and Women)
First Sundays, 1 pm; Heritage Room
· St. Louis Bertrand Chapter (Women)
Fourth Sundays, 11:30 am; Knight’s Room
The Dominican Laity are professed laypeople who are called to prayer, study, community, and apostolate as children of St. Dominic.
Knights of Columbus
Third Sundays, 10 am; O’Brien Hall
K of C is Catholic a men's organization, dedicated to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Contact Shane Weppler: [email protected].
Redbird Grief Group
Fourth Thursdays, 6 - 7:30 pm; Heritage Room
RGG invites parents who have lost a child find Christ in their loss and suffering. Please email Kathleen if you would like to attend: [email protected].
Rosary Altar Society
Third Sundays, 10 am; Heritage Room
RAS invites ladies to join to help improve the parish through various service projects. For more information, contact Barbara Klump at 634-5559.
Walking with Moms Playgroup
Third Tuesdays; 10 - 11:30 am
This group strengthens & supports mothers in their spiritual and maternal roles, promotes their spiritual growth, and provides a social network for them within our parish. Contact Mary: [email protected].
Women on a Pilgrimage
Third Thursdays, 7- 8:30 pm in O’Brien Hall
This group seeks to build holy relationships between women through prayer, fellowship, and growth in our Catholic faith. Contact Lauren Montfort for more information at [email protected]
Young Adults
First and Third Wednesdays, 7pm; Frassati Room
Young Adults are men and women aged 18-39 who meet for fun, prayer, and education. For more information contact Katie Reed: [email protected].
Youth Groups
7th & 8th Grade and High School Youth Groups
Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8 pm
Parish Center
For more information please contact [email protected], or 583-4448 x 244.
Sodality of the Most Holy Rosary (Girls 7 - 18 years old)
Third Sunday after the 9am Mass
Girls in this sodality learn and promote the Rosary, pray for members, develop holy friendships, and participate in fun activities. For more information contact Katie at [email protected].
St. Louis Bertrand Emergency Aid Center
Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; 1-2 pm
This center provides charitable assistance to parishioners and members of the local community.
Walking with Moms and Families in Need
This charitable group provides social, emotional, spiritual, and material help to families in need. Please email Barbara at [email protected] to volunteer or refer a family that needs help.
Respect Life: Please pray for an end to abortion.
St. Serra Club of Louisville
Monday, February 3; 11:30 am
Golden Corral (4032 Taylorsville Rd)
Deacon Craig Roberts of St. Francis of Assisi (Louisville) will speak on his vocation journey. The lunch cost is $12 for members and $15 for others. For non-members who wish to attend the lunch, please call Chuck Lynch at (502) 442-9302.
Volunteer Servers Needed
Training: February 10, 2025; 6:30 -8:30 pm
Holy Family Church (3938 Poplar Level Rd)
The Archdiocese of Louisville is looking for experienced high school and college-aged Mass servers to assist the archbishop as “pontifical servers.” After the training, these servers will have the opportunity to serve with Archbishop Shelton J. Fabre at special liturgies throughout the year. Servers interested in this opportunity should email Dr. Karen Shadle at: kshadle@
Retrovaille: A Lifeline for Married Couples
February 14-16
Retrovaille helps married couples find hope. Presenters are couples sharing their personal stories of marital struggles and the tools they used to rediscover their love. For more information, call 502-479-3329 or go to
Presentation Academy Pot O’ Gold Raffle
$50,000 Grand Prize!
For more information, or to obtain chances, go to: